Prior Year Program Schedule
On-Campus Programs held in 2014-2015
New Stewards' School
This two-day course prepared new union stewards for effective workplace representation. Topics included the roles, legal rights, and responsibilities of union stewards, as well as an introduction to labor history and union values, labor and employment law, grievance handling and internal organizing.
Union Communications
This program was for local union newsletter editors and leaders interested in developing effective communications within and about their union. Topics included educating and mobilizing members with effective messages in print, on-line, and face to face; why local union newsletters still matter; using high tech tools for spreading your union's story; and free resources and strategies for sharing top labor news and issue updates.
Financial Officers' School
Designed for union officers responsible for private and public sector union financial recordkeeping. Included sessions on IRS reporting requirements, LM and PERB forms, audits, changes in Department of Labor regulations, accounting skills, and budgeting.
Collective Bargaining
A hands-on approach intended to get union staff, officers and bargaining team members ready for bargaining. Included sessions on bargaining law, preparation and research, member mobilizing, community support, media and communication, persuasive techniques, impasse resolution and a practice bargaining session.
Workers' Compensation
A two-day overview of Iowa workers' compensation law and how it relates to other laws and benefits, with special attention to the union's role in assisting injured workers. Guest speakers included experienced work comp attorneys and UI medical professionals.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
This program featured an in-depth review of FMLA law and the revised 2013 Dept. of Labor regulations, plus sessions on helping members with FMLA questions, handling FMLA grievances, bargaining improved contract language, and how to address common problems with medical certification.
Injustice on Our Plates: How Conditions of Food Workers Affect Us All
This conference brought together civil rights, labor, faith, sustainable food activists, and members of the University community to discuss current initiatives to create jobs with dignity for the people who harvest, process, cook, and serve our food. Fekkak Mamdouh, co-founder and co-director of Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC), was the keynote speaker.
Occupational Safety and Health
This two-day school for union leaders, safety representatives and safety committee members covered legal rights under OSHA and labor law, how to create and use an effective safety committee to promote a safer, healthier workplace, and how to identify and remove hazards in the workplace. Behavior-based safety programs were also addressed.
Labor Short Course
The Labor Center's longest-running annual course. A week-long class designed to introduce newer union activists to many of the issues facing organized labor, plus sessions to improve practical skills needed by stewards and other union leaders. A great opportunity to build the leadership necessary to strengthen your union for the future.